ICPI–Overseas TeacherTraining Institute

What is Online-Teaching?
Online Teaching or e-teaching is computer based learning system which is delivered either through CDs / DVDs, downloads, live self-help training on websites and in real time where the teacher and the student face each other in a virtual world. In many cases it may be a combination of all these or some of these techniques depending on the subject and its applications. Online Teaching is often associated with e-learning which is in factcan be described as the outcome of e-teaching. Online Teaching can be divided into the following broad categories which are:
A training course can be conducted through a set of CDs / DVDs which contain the complete courseware. The course content may vary between plain text based interactive learning exercises, explanations, questions, answers and tests etc. While some others in addition to the above features may also have audios and videos to make it even more life-like, dynamic and interesting.
Now-a-days days in order to reach large number of people at a time many software vendors in the e-leaning industry deliver their courseware from their website against online payments through an immediate download with a user licence. But as you might have noticed there is no live teacher at work in all the above methods of e-learning. Many times such courses may be offered free on trial basis with limited functionality but once you get going you will be prompted to buy it with enhanced features.
Then there’s another category without any CDs / DVDs/downloads etc. But the training is directly delivered from a dedicated website in real time with a username and a password. After registration you make the online-payment for the course and the software automatically guides you through the course with interactive instructions in plain text or voice-prompts. Now with the expansion of broadband they may also include audios or videos to make the course more appealing.
Yet in another type of course delivery - A real teacher sitting in front his PC faces the pupils in real time who are also on their computers either one to one or in a group all connected with an internet broadband connection. Best part is that all of them can talk, see, take notes, instructions verbally or through a smart electronics white board where teacher can write / draw / type on the board. Just as it happens in a real physical classroom. But in this ‘electronics’ or e-classroom located virtually you can teach direct on the electronics white board, give pre-loaded notes in the text or other formats like PowerPoint presentations, Excel Sheet & give the control of White board to pupils and many other things. In short you can do everything here in an e-classroom on the internet what you could do in a physical classroom.
Finally there’s the Online Teacher Training model specifically designed by Train2Teach-Online in partnership with ICPI-Overseas Teacher Training Institute, UK who are leaders in international teacher training since the year 2000 having trained over 1000 professionals for Schools, colleges and universities around the world:
ICPI's Certified International E-Teacher or CIET is a unique training program which will help you to get an overall view of the infinite possibilities of teaching online in real-time with various hi-tech advances and technological combinations.
In fact, CIET course is simple enough for anyone to follow yet at the cutting edge of technology!
In this short online course lasting 50 hours you will not only learn all the above features and possibly more but it is an ideal blend of e-learning and online tutoring helping you to transform your classroom skills into online teaching expertise.
Above all, we are mission bound to provide you with a world class platform on the internet and allied resources which will help you to become an independent and thorough-bred e-teaching professional capable of preparing and delivering your lessons online to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere in the world.
Finally are you ready to invest in your future? More importantly, you could not have chosen a better time to be part of this online-teaching & e-learning revolution which is set to become a 52 billion Dollar world-wide industry this year! Now is the time to start working on your Second Career. Are you ready to change your future? Click here to take a Free Online Admission Test to kick-start a new career alongside your present job. To send us an email click here. Why not meet us virtually on Skype.com - Click here to fix a Live Counselling Session online (Our Skype ID:icpiintl) or Send us email on: info@train2teach-online.com
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