How to progress your career along side your job?
The best way to launch your online teaching career is to start it along with your normal job. All you have to do is to complete your certification under our flagship training program Certified International E-Teacher or CIET and then you are ready to launch your new career as an e-teacher. Best of all it's a 50 hours short, simple, practical, hands-on, instructor-led, face-to-face training program done LVE online in your browser which will transform your present teaching ability and experience into an e-teaching expertise! At least two CIET courses are pre-scheduled every month click here to check out the CIET Course Calendar
Most important of all, you don't have to go anywhere to do it! In fact, to do it you don't even have to step out of your room!! All you will need is a PC or a Laptop with microphone headset with a webcam connected to a internet broadband and you are ready to train LIVE online with an instructor-led training program. Finally start e-teaching your subject LIVE to class on the internet.
Remember the best part of online teaching is that you don’t have to go anywhere to do it – Start doing it from your home along side with your regular job. Once you have completed the CIET program just let it progress side by side with your job. But start teaching your subject using the online smart-white-board to one of your class pupils. In order to sharpen your online skills it is essential to get their feed back personally on day to day basis.
From day-one, it’s good practise to approach your online teaching work regularly and gradually increase the timings you sit online. At first you may only be able to sit for an hour but gradually keep increasing it till you reach at least 3 hours. This will be good in the long run. This whole exercise should be repeated on daily basis for at least for 4 weeks to get your self used to an online routine.
Once you find that the practice sessions start yielding results and your students are able to follow your subject. Then gradually start your online tuitions on your subject. Here you may ask the students to participate who can pay you charges on an hourly basis. This may start with one or two pupils but as you become more confident you can take on more students.
It is clear that when you teach online it is driven by a topic of a given subject rather than on generalities. One hour session should be divided into 45 minutes actual teaching of the subject and balance 15 minutes may comprise of Q&A. In online teaching an email feed back system is a must to ensure constant improvement of your own skills as well as pupils are absorbing what you are teaching.
As you begin to feel at home with online teaching start registering with international online teaching bodies, schools and portals. They will check you out for your basic online skills. You will be then introduced and exposed to their teaching platform software for practical supervised sessions. Once you are found fit to go solo then you will be appointed to teach online to their pupils daily at pre-arranged timings on hourly rates of payment You are asked to conduct live one-to-one sessions
When online portals and schools propose to put you on country shifts with requisite charges per hour please commit only hours when you are certain of fulfilling your obligations. As you gain more exposure and experience you may start getting many such independent online teaching opportunities on a regular basis at set timings against payments by the hour. So be sure about your time commitments. Even if due to some dire circumstances you are unable to continue at certain timings you are expected to give proper notice to withdraw so that tutoring companies can make alternative arrangements to fill your vacancy.
Finally you could not have chosen a better time to be part of this e-teaching & e-learning revolution which is today a 72 billion Dollar industry!
NOW is the time to start working on a Second Career simultaneously with your present job - Please click here to take a Free Online Test for e-Teachers. To meet us in a Free LIVE webinar on any Saturday - click here to register the Free Webinar. To contact us please click here. Welcome to meet us on any day Monday-Friday (Skype ID: icpiintl) Send us email on: info@train2teach-online.com